Custom Types

Shared custom types and global type aliases.

auraxium.types.CensusData: dict[str, str | int | float | CensusData | list[CensusData]]

Type alias for value types allowed in API requests.

class auraxium.types.LocaleData(*, de=None, en=None, es=None, fr=None, it=None)

Container for localised strings.

Note that the tr locale is ignored as it was abandoned by the developers and is generally either missing or unpopulated.

de: str | None

German locale

en: str | None

English locale

es: str | None

Spanish locale

fr: str | None

French locale

it: str | None

Italian locale

classmethod empty()

Return an empty LocaleData instance.

This is mostly provided to easily handle payloads who’s entire localised string field is NULL.